Who is yor mum?
Hi! I'm yor mum. My pronouns are she/her. I'm a yor mum who is yor mum and tries to be yor mum. I'm easily yor mum, so please be patient with me! being yor mum is hard
What isbuh?
I have no fucking clue
buh is a collection of cells somewhere in the universe, according to the materialist point of view. material gurl!
Whatcha workin' on?
no one has asked me that. i am a bum with no job, i eat tuna out the can. university is a SCAM. i want to be a rich yuppie so bad but i am LAZY If you've ever found yourself enjoying what I do, DONT! suck my dic pls!!
Where do I go from here?
real life is inadequate LURK for success in life, LURK for a collection of aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, LURK in dis page for my lips :3 MYCLOWNMOUTHSOBIGMEACANDEEPFROADPUSSY, and LURK for nothing :(. Feel free to peruse, i mean LURK which has more nothing-more left my spine is fractured my liver is punctured i prepare to take my last breath. Engorge!
All the worstest, buh